Interaction Design是一门将艺术、设计、科学和工程技术结合起来的新型学科。交互设计的目的是让产品和它的使用者之间建立一种有机关系。随着中国电子系统对人们生活影响的逐渐扩大,中国交互设计师将面临一个很大的缺口,而美国的交互设计专业是非常出色的,在美国提供该专业硕士学位的著名大学大约30所,每个高校有各自不同的研究方向。下面介绍一下美国交互设计专业的院系分类:
纽约视觉艺术学院(School of Visual Arts,缩写:SVA)成立于1947年,位于美国纽约州纽约市曼哈顿,是一所盈利性的艺术设计学院,目前开设有11个本科专业和22个研究生学位项目。学院受美国独立艺术设计学院协会认证,该协会是由美国36间顶尖艺术类院校组成。
“纽约有超过一半的艺术家和设计师都是从School of Visual Arts (SVA)毕业的。”纽约视觉艺术学院的全部校区位于纽约市区曼哈顿,地处全美国最中心的文化艺术中心地区,横跨纽约市区东西两岸。学校一共拥有大楼17座,论规模来说也是世界第一。SVA是国际艺术教育领域公认的领导者与创新者, 是公认的 “美国设计与艺术“最高峰。学校汇集享有国际盛誉的艺术家及其当今各大领域的专业人士,师资力量雄厚。
帕森斯设计学院(Parsons The New School for Design)成立于1896 年,现隶属于新学校大学,是享誉世界的设计学院,是美国最著名的服装设计学院。据QS世界大学排名,帕森设计学院是位居世界第二全美第一的艺术与设计学院,仅次于伦敦皇家艺术学院。每年学校向世界各地的各大企业输送毕业生人才,他们大都担任大型企业的重要设计职位,并把握着企业产品的设计风向标。
帕森斯设计学院自1970年起便附属于新学校大学,是全美国第一所设有服装设计课程的大学,也是私立艺术与设计学院协会(Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design,简称AICAD)的会员之一。帕森设计学院的校园有两英亩的校地在纽约市第五大道,主要坐落于纽约曼哈顿下城格林威治村,著名的时尚部门则位于市中心的制衣区。
另外,帕森斯设计学院或帕森设计学院(Parsons The New School for Design) 学生享有很多独一无二的实习机会,包括:香奈儿公司、康泰纳仕集团、迪斯尼公司、梦工厂、谷歌、马克雅克布、Marvel 漫画和联合国总部。
艺术中心设计学院(Art Center College of Design,缩写:ACCD)成立于1930年,位于美国加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳(Pasadena),是一所私立非盈利学院。艺术中心设计学院是美国少有开设交互设计学位项目的学校之一;该校本科和研究生工业设计项目连续被Design Intelligence评为NO.1。
媒体实践项目有2年和3年的选择,有两个方向(track),分别是:实验室(Lab):运用设计来探究科学、技术与文化的交叉关系 / 实践(Field):与Designmatters合作,将学生置于多样的国际环境中来进行社会影响的设计实践
交通系统及其设计项目MS in Transportation Systems and Design也是交互设计方向的专业,课程设置:
Austin Center for Design | United States | (Interaction Design and Social Entrepreneurship) | |
California College of the Arts | United States | BFA (Interaction Design) | MDes (Interaction Design), MFA (Graduate Design, Interaction track) |
College for Creative Studies | United States | BFA (Communication Design) | MFA (Interaction Design) |
IIT Institute of Design | United States | MDes, Ph.D | |
Louisville Center for Design Lindsey Wilson College | United States | Master of Arts in Interactive Design ([9]) | |
Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) | United States | MPS (User Experience Design) | |
Massachusetts College of Art and Design | United States | MFA (Dynamic Media Institute) | |
Parsons The New School for Design | United States | Interaction Design | MFA (Design and Technology) |
Pratt Institute | United States | Yes | MFA (Interactive Arts) |
Quinnipiac University | United States | BA Interactive Digital Design | MS Interactive Media |
Savannah College of Art and Design | United States | BA (Interactive Design and Game Development) | MA (Interactive Design and Game Development), MFA (Interactive Design and Game Development) |
School of Visual Arts | United States | MFA (Interaction Design) | |
University of Michigan School of Information, Ann Arbor, MI | United States | BS in Information (User Experience Design Path) | MS in Information (User Experience Research and Design) |
卡耐基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University,缩写CMU),成立于1900年,由苏格兰美裔钢铁实业家安德鲁·卡耐基(Andrew Carnegie)创建而成,该校位于美国东部宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡市。
就业雇主多集中为Apple,Designit,Google,Microsoft, PNC。一般从事的工作为人机界面设计,服务设计师,交互设计师,UX设计师,企业家或者个体,设计师,医疗工具媒介设计师。总体就业地区其中有10%分布于纽约州,30%加利福尼亚州,30%宾夕法尼亚州,30%华盛顿州。
Graduate Degree Options:
Our degree options provide students with a high degree of flexibility and choice in planning their higher or continuing education experience. Students from diverse non-design backgrounds are encouraged to seek admission into the one-year Master of Arts (MA) in Design program, with opportunities to apply from the MA into the one-year Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Design for Interactions, the two-year Master of Design (MDes) in Design for Interactions program, or the PhD in Design Studies.
Students with prior design degrees and experience are encouraged to apply to our two-year Master of Design (MDes) in Design for Interactions program, or the one-year Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Design for Interactions.
MDes degree (Master of Design): This two-year degree provides students with previous design experience a core of studio and coursework in design for interactions, with an emphasis on design for services and social innovation, combined with electives and a full year of in-depth research culminating in a thesis.
MPS degree (Master of Professional Studies): This one-year degree enables students to expand on prior design experience, focusing on design for interactions, service and social innovation, through the first year studio and coursework of the MDes program. MDes
Educational and Professional Requirements
MDes and MPS Degrees:
A Baccalaureate degree in design from an accredited institution, with a strong record of academic achievement
A design background evident in your portfolio, including, for example, elements of visual design, typography, layout and composition, color, illustration, information design, filmmaking, photography, and experience with design process, iteration, critique and visual communication.
At least two years of professional or teaching experience
MA Degree:
A Baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution, with a strong record of academic achievement
At least two years of professional or teaching experience
Application Checklist
All prospective students must submit an online application that includes:
A statement of intent
Letters of recommendation
GRE test scores
TOEFL/IELTS scores where applicable
Official transcripts
A link to your portfolio
Your admissions fee
Arizona State University | United States | MSD (Interaction Design) ([3]) | |
Brandeis University | United States | MS (User-Centered Design) | |
Drexel University | United States | BS (Interactive Digital Media) | MS (Digital Media) |
Georgia Institute of Technology | United States | MID (Interaction track) | |
Indiana University (Bloomington) | United States | MS (Human Computer Interaction Design) | |
Kent State University | United States | MS (Information Architecture and Knowledge Management – User Experience Design) ([7]) | |
Louisville Center for Design Lindsey Wilson College | United States | Master of Arts in Interactive Design ([9]) | |
Missouri Western State University, Missouri | United States | MA (Usability and Human Factors) | |
New York University: Tisch School of the Arts New York University: Tandon School of Engineering |
United States |
MPS Interactive Telecommunications Programm MS Integrated Digital Media with specialisation in Interaction Design |
Philadelphia University | United States | BA (Interactive Design and Development) | MS (User Experience and Interaction Design) |
Purdue University | United States | MFA (Interaction Design) | |
Quinnipiac University | United States | BA Interactive Digital Design | MS Interactive Media |
University of Baltimore | United States | M.S. Interaction Design and Information Architecture D.S. Information and Interaction Design | |
University of California, Berkeley School of Information | United States | Yes | |
University of California, Irvine: Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Science | United States | Yes (Informatics) | |
University of Kansas | United States | Yes | |
University of Miami | United States | MFA (Interactive Media) | |
University of Michigan School of Information, Ann Arbor, MI | United States | BS in Information (User Experience Design Path) | MS in Information (User Experience Research and Design) |
University of Washington | United States | Bachelor of Design (Formerly BFA) ([12]) | Yes |
Virginia Commonwealth University Brandcenter | United States | MS in Business with a concentration in Branding/ Experience Design | |
Southern New Hampshire University | United States | MS in Information Technology - Web/Interaction Design Specialization (Web Design / Interaction Design) |
1. 注重培养设计能力和丰富实践经历。
2. 精心准备作品集。
3. 关注托福和GRE考试。
4. 科学选校
在美国3000多所院校当中,受NASAD(National Association of Schools of Art and Design)认可的教育机构(包括综合型大学与专门的艺术院校)在艺术与设计领域的教学和研究都处于领先水平。而在受NASAD认可的院校名单里面,专门开设有交互设计硕士课程的大约是30所学校,所以选择有限。建议申请者要对学校是否热门,地理位置、专业匹配度等方面做出充分考虑。
供稿人:鑫泉留学 合肥公司 咨询顾问 马燕茹
———— 赶快报名吧 ————